

Our Deacons are ready to provide support through their Shepherding Program. If you do not know the deacon assigned to you, please contact the church office: Send a Message. Deacons also provide assistance with meals and rides as well as a card ministry.

Caregiver & Grief Support

Caregiver & Grief Support Group meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 5:30pm. We are a support group for these life changing experiences that include death. If you find yourself in this setting as both a care giver and trying to find that new normal after death has occurred, you are invited to meet with us for this supportive time.

Stephen Ministers

Stephen Ministry is one mission of First Presbyterian Church. The program equips laypeople to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. As trained laypersons, the Stephen Ministers, congregation members with gifts for care giving receive 50 hours of training in providing Emotional and Spiritual Care. This trained Stephen Minister pledges to “be there” for his or her care receiver, meeting faithfully for an hour each week for as long as there is a need, and, to faithfully attend Small Group Supervision meetings twice each month. Stephen Ministers care for people facing tough times!Hospitalization, death of a loved one, divorce, loneliness, unemployment or a job crisis, aging, terminal illness, chronic illness, recovery from an accident. If you or someone you know might benefit from being a care-receiver, please contact us – Send a Message.

Hosted Support Groups

The First Presbyterian Church of Harbor Springs reaches out to the greater community by sharing its facilities with those in need of a safe and supportive environment. Among the groups that meet in our church:

  • Alcoholics Anonymous: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.; and Saturdays at 8:00 a.m.
  • Alanon: Fridays at 12:00 p.m.